!! | ALERT! | Everyone | 110 |
!ack | AaaaaAAaaaaAAAAAaaaaaAAAAaaaaaAAAAA!!! | Everyone | 5 |
!addict | "Hi, my name is Astro and I'm addicted to buying shitty awful consoles and their shitty awful games" | Everyone | 1 |
!airhorn | AAAAAHHH--OOOOOHHHH-GAAAAH | Everyone | 7 |
!alk | "Alk is a dirty whore." - Theastropath | Everyone | 54 |
!alktoro | "ALK is a cute totoro." -- everyone | Everyone | 5 |
!astronomibot | AstronomiBot is open source! Check it out here: https://github.com/theastropath/Astronomibot | Everyone | 5 |
!astrotime | TheAstropath lives in Ottawa, Canada, where it is currently $CUSTOMAPI(currenttime) | Everyone | 5 |
!audio | Sound is good, could use more Kibble though | Everyone | 6 |
!backseat | No backseat gaming, let Astro play the game! | Everyone | 9 |
!badrando | "Fucking red rando, fucking scrub lord!" | Everyone | 2 |
!bae | https://twitter.com/Jaqspur/status/835315211045240832 | Everyone | 9 |
!ballgate | Actually, it's about consistency in video game balls | Everyone | 5 |
!balls | "I have a deep lust for balls!" - Theastropath | Everyone | 16 |
!beam | TIS ROZAIIN | Everyone | 36 |
!bhc | http://bridoz.com/pour-la-st-valentin-offrez-lempreinte-de-votre-anus-dans-du-chocolat the gift that keeps on giving. | Everyone | 29 |
!bird | You just got burdered | Everyone | 4 |
!bongos | Don't encourage him, ffs | Everyone | 3 |
!boom | Puzzled! | Everyone | 2 |
!boop | BOOP BOOP BOOP BOOP BOOP BOOP | Everyone | 1 |
!botcommands | The AstronomiBot commands are here: http://www.astronomibot.xyz/CustomCmds.html | Everyone | 6 |
!break | Our host is taking a quick necessities break. Please stick around. | Everyone | 14 |
!brita | Our host believes hydration is very important! Though the stream is not sponsored by Brita, the Brita filter is the mascot and constant companion of our host. | Everyone | 10 |
!bttv | Better Twitch TV is a plugin that enhances your Twitch experience, and provides you access to the following emotes: $CUSTOMAPI(bttvemotes) | Everyone | 9 |
!burn | Astro has burned himself $COUNT times. | Everyone | 22 |
!but | NO DAMAGE | Everyone | 4 |
!bye | Thanks for the stream! | Everyone | 38 |
!caprica | *TACKLEHUGS FOR ALL* | Everyone | 127 |
!cdi | The Philips CD-i ("Compact Disc Interactive") is an interactive multimedia CD player developed and marketed by Royal Philips Electronics N.V. This game is the demon spawn of Philips and Nintendo and is hot garbage. Still, it is better than VR Missions. | Everyone | 16 |
!cheer | DO IT!!! | Everyone | 5 |
!chucklefuck | Quit clowning around! | Everyone | 21 |
!chuckles | Holy fuckles, here comes Chuckles! | Everyone | 10 |
!clue | Use the Rope. | Everyone | 32 |
!commands | OMG Panda why you make so many commands? | Everyone | 18 |
!controller | "It's the controller's fault, not mine! I swear!" | Everyone | 1 |
!controls | TheAstropath has complained about controls 2,024 times. | Everyone | 38 |
!curse | YARRR $REPLACE be cursed! | Everyone | 1 |
!d6 | $CUSTOMAPI(randomd6) | Everyone | 43 |
!dare | How very dare you, $REPLACE ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKHq-mAEQlU | Everyone | 8 |
!darknuts | "DEEZNUTS, DEEZNUTS!" | Everyone | 3 |
!death | Astro has fucked up $COUNT times | Everyone | 5 |
!deathstranding | "this is some sort of weird dream sequence isn't it?" | Everyone | 10 |
!dickcheck | check yo dick before you wreck yo dick! | Everyone | 9 |
!dinosaur | https://twitter.com/ouranemily/status/916089544893779968 | Everyone | 2 |
!disccheck | Clean your disc, yo! | Everyone | 15 |
!discord | Check out the Discord channel! https://discord.gg/mQj9uxT | Everyone | 38 |
!ds | Here's a list of the DS and 3DS games that Astro owns: https://pastebin.com/9K7LLfj5 | Everyone | 1 |
!eat | https://clips.twitch.tv/SpoopyFineAlligatorNerfBlueBlaster | Everyone | 4 |
!eba | Music Lives! | Everyone | 4 |
!ed | Ed's in a couple pictures on the wall. | Everyone | 6 |
!eeahh | This is why you always back up your saves: https://clips.twitch.tv/ArbitraryFairShieldUWot | Everyone | 7 |
!emo | aren't we all $REPLACE | Everyone | 61 |
!error | He don't | Everyone | 3 |
!fail | Too bad hot shot. | Everyone | 3 |
!favoritecourse | Donut Plains has been chosen $COUNT times. | Everyone | 20 |
!fearsome | Raor. | Everyone | 6 |
!fire | Fire bad, Astro. Fire...BAD! How many times do we have to tell you? $REF(!burn) times seems like too many | Everyone | 37 |
!foreshadowing | https://clips.twitch.tv/MagnificentStupidDonutAMPEnergyCherry | Everyone | 3 |
!gameboy | Here's a list of all the Game Boy and Game Boy Colour games Astro owns: https://pastebin.com/wLF842vs and here is a list of Game Boy Advance games he owns: https://pastebin.com/r5h7uqSE | Everyone | 2 |
!gamevoting | Voting for future games is now integrated into Astronomibot! Use !gamevote and !randovote followed by the game name to add your vote! You can find the list of games here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1faAzZ8xLBVvorvdUtrkEKNAhxDnMWoFahNLqXoycbb8 | Everyone | 149 |
!gandalf | I have no memory of this place | Everyone | 2 |
!gdi | Good one $REPLACE | Everyone | 127 |
!general | If you wanna join voice, join the "General" discord channel and Astro will pull you in! | Everyone | 2 |
!goodgame | This game is pretty dogjam good! | Everyone | 1 |
!hello | https://clips.twitch.tv/HorriblePeacefulPrariedogFutureMan | Everyone | 6 |
!hint | @TheAstropath if you have a moment, would you please use the thing on the other thing and then press that button | Everyone | 42 |
!howlong | $CUSTOMAPI(howlong) | Everyone | 87 |
!hue | You can change the lights using command "!light R G B" with values for red, green, and blue. Alternatively you can use !disco and !swirl. | Everyone | 16 |
!ijab | Take off your pants! | Everyone | 9 |
!ironknuckle | "TURD, TURD!" | Everyone | 8 |
!jaq | He's not gonna like that it's square. | Everyone | 15 |
!jaqspur | Something happened on the day they died, spirit rose a meter and stepped aside, somebody else took their place and bravely cried, "HEY THERE! I'M A JAQSTAR, I'M A JAQSTAR!" | Everyone | 18 |
!jcvim | JIM ... WHAT ... are you DOING ... HERE?? | Everyone | 16 |
!jingle | https://soundcloud.com/user-732188833/astros-stream-jingle | Everyone | 14 |
!jorgen | He is a nice dude! | Everyone | 10 |
!joycon | such a dumb name | Everyone | 10 |
!jump | JUMP JUMP JUMP JUMP | Everyone | 8 |
!junk | Wanna see some junk? https://twitter.com/theastropath/status/833040885839441920 | Everyone | 30 |
!kibble | Kibble23 is the hero we need AND deserve. | Everyone | 35 |
!lab | "no cock is safe ANYWHERE" | Everyone | 6 |
!labbing | It's been a long road | Everyone | 3 |
!lasers | Needs more tit lasers | Everyone | 9 |
!lewd | That's NAUGHTY! | Everyone | 86 |
!lights | It's !light first of all | Everyone | 21 |
!lost | I lost the game | Everyone | 2 |
!magnets | How do they work? | Everyone | 4 |
!marb | learn to $REPLACE better | Everyone | 224 |
!melee | "When I say 'melee,' I mean 'use my lightning right in their face.'" SirKibble, 2016 | Everyone | 3 |
!merch | Want to buy stuff with my face on it? Go here: https://store.streamelements.com/theastropath | Everyone | 65 |
!mic | Hey TheAstropath looks like the MIC DROPPED! | Everyone | 27 |
!milestone | Make sure to follow the channel so you don't miss the next stream! Join the $CUSTOMAPI(subscribers) other subscribers to help me buy more stupid consoles too! | Everyone | 196 |
!moni | BOOM! Sexy sexy $REPLACE | Everyone | 160 |
!moon | That's no moon | Everyone | 3 |
!morning | I love the smell of $REPLACE in the morning. | Everyone | 3 |
!mouse | Please say "There's a mouse about the outhouse" | Everyone | 21 |
!mukbang | We are taking a break from gaming to eat. Please feel free to obtain snacks, if you haven't already | Everyone | 3 |
!n64 | Astro has an N64 with the UltraHDMI mod installed. For a list of N64 games he has, look here: https://pastebin.com/y0FLU5fb | Everyone | 3 |
!navi | HEY! $REPLACE! LISTEN! | Everyone | 10 |
!nbnd | Never Be Not Drifting | Everyone | 1 |
!nes | Astro has an NES with the Hi-Def NES kit which adds HDMI output! For a list of NES games he has, look here: https://pastebin.com/5kFAwswu | Everyone | 3 |
!newgamelist | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1faAzZ8xLBVvorvdUtrkEKNAhxDnMWoFahNLqXoycbb8/ | Everyone | 4 |
!nipcheck | Check your...waitaminute... | Everyone | 4 |
!nips | Have a hearty laugh: https://twitter.com/Moniniuss/status/696487059784126465 | Everyone | 12 |
!numfollowers | TheAstropath currently has $CUSTOMAPI(followers) followers! | Everyone | 2 |
!oh | https://clips.twitch.tv/HilariousSuccessfulTrayOSkomodo | Everyone | 2 |
!oshit | 'TheAstropath has shat $COUNT times. | Everyone | 4 |
!panda | http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/875/212/790.gif | Everyone | 23 |
!pandaherbs | Pandaherbs: IT WAS JUST A BANANA Pandaherbs: I'm not just some banana whore! Pandaherbs: I actually am going to eat a banana | Everyone | 11 |
!pargon | "Have you tried Pargoning?" | Everyone | 29 |
!pasta | SPAGHETTI! | Everyone | 3 |
!phrasing | feliciaBoom | Everyone | 3 |
!physics | https://clips.twitch.tv/ScrumptiousObliqueMuleStoneLightning | Everyone | 5 |
!pillow | BURN IT | Everyone | 10 |
!pity | You are a FOOL | Everyone | 2 |
!pizza | PIZZA HYYYYYPPPPEEEEE | Everyone | 2 |
!plot | Willing suspension of disbelief, ACTIVATE! | Everyone | 4 |
!pun | https://gph.is/1KOJbRE | Everyone | 27 |
!punk | What a punk ass bitch | Everyone | 3 |
!racist | Astro is ranking all of the Legend of Zelda races from "Pretty Cool" to "Kill it with Fire". Don't @ him | Everyone | 13 |
!rando | When you're in trouble, or when you're in danger, call on Red-Rando! He's a stranger! | Everyone | 32 |
!randomnes | @TheAstropath please pick a game from page $CUSTOMAPI(randomNesPage) | Everyone | 21 |
!red | Watch out for that one, he'll screw you. | Everyone | 3 |
!rip | Astro has died $REF(!death) times ... but who's counting? | Everyone | 25 |
!rolld | You rolled a $CUSTOMAPI(rolldie) | Everyone | 18 |
!rolld6 | You rolled a $CUSTOMAPI(d6) | Everyone | 12 |
!salt | Salt's great for so many things! Seasoning, preservation, skeleton murder... | Everyone | 5 |
!sarcasm | It's a thing that Astro does. Not that much though. | Everyone | 1 |
!satchmo | "And I think to myself, what a wonderful gaaaaaame!" | Everyone | 5 |
!save | ALT+F4 now | Everyone | 34 |
!scale | Tingle's Tower is now 1,160 meters and that's to scale! | Everyone | 3 |
!score | Kibble: 25 Astro: -4 | Everyone | 8 |
!secret | TUNNELS | Everyone | 1 |
!senpai | NOTICE ME!!! | Everyone | 4 |
!sexytime | Hide your eyes, hide your spouse, we're getting spicy up in this house. | Everyone | 1 |
!ship | https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/007/582/tumblr_lmputme3co1qa6q7k_large.png | Everyone | 3 |
!slide | SLIDE SLIDE | Everyone | 1 |
!slotcheck | Check yo slots b4 you wreck yo slots | Everyone | 2 |
!snake | Snake? Snake?! SNAAAKE!!! | Everyone | 60 |
!snek | Noodle? Noodle?! NOOOOOOOODLE!!!! | Everyone | 19 |
!snes | Here are the games that Astro has for SNES: https://pastebin.com/Bbq0d0Fp | Everyone | 3 |
!social | Follow TheAstropath on Twitter: http://twitter.com/TheAstropath or check out archived streams on his YouTube channel: http://Youtube.com/TheAstropath Join in on Discord at https://discord.gg/mQj9uxT | Everyone | 18 |
!splinter | GET BACK TO YOUR NINJA TURTLES | Everyone | 4 |
!statement | IT'S HORSESHIT, DAMMIT | Everyone | 1 |
!stealth | Astro can be stealthy. Really, he can---OH SHIT. | Everyone | 77 |
!strategy | "I have a strategy!" *uses rope* | Everyone | 6 |
!suckage | Astro has died $REF(!death) times. So embarrassing. | Everyone | 18 |
!taunt | in your PANTS! | Everyone | 3 |
!thumbsup | Good job $REPLACE ! https://twitter.com/theastropath/status/831326540768100353 | Everyone | 18 |
!tingle | Always Be Tingling: https://twitter.com/CRandyGamble/status/822437053765943297 | Everyone | 11 |
!tingletower | The Tingle Tower is almost 7 miles and that's to scale! | Everyone | 2 |
!tip | how do we not have a just the tip command? | Everyone | 5 |
!tmi | "Goddammit Tom!" | Everyone | 9 |
!treat | Send Astro something for him to put in his mouth: https://treatstream.com/t/treat/theastropath | Everyone | 36 |
!truth | "Apparently I'm just bad at games" -- TheAstropath, 2017 https://clips.twitch.tv/theastropath/BraveLyrebirdRuleFive | Everyone | 3 |
!vessiot | Vessiot says the answer is $CUSTOMAPI(math) | Everyone | 109 |
!victory | Actually, you lost. | Everyone | 42 |
!victorybell | You're the only ding-dong here | Everyone | 2 |
!victorylights | It's !victorylight first of all. | Everyone | 7 |
!vod | Previous streams by our host can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO6YJh-oIStwz3uN1hvU6RQ | Everyone | 2 |
!welcome | Hey dee hee, ho dee bee! You're no threat to us down here! | Everyone | 1 |
!what | a shame! | Everyone | 8 |
!whoa | WHOAAAAAAAAAAH! | Everyone | 2 |
!why | NANOMACHINES, SON | Everyone | 58 |
!wtf | https://twitter.com/bloodyalbatross/status/837135818493988865 | Everyone | 2 |
!wwjs | What would Jaq say? | Everyone | 7 |
!yokandoit | astroThumb | Everyone | 9 |
!zeldaranking | Don't @ me. It's official https://twitter.com/theastropath/status/827169228532875265 | Everyone | 2 |
!zing | Shots fired! | Everyone | 2 |
!zzz | It's pronounced "zed zed zed" | Everyone | 9 |